Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Compared to the classic investment leverage or margin lending offered by equities, options work "automatically" in leverage, multiplying the gains, but NOT by multiplying the losses. This makes them in many ways superior to the shares. All this serves to make us understand that there are other instruments, besides the actions, to invest in the stock exchange, instruments that have a different functionality, which perhaps, we offer great advantages compared with a limited risk. Using the options, the maximum risk value, rather limited, of the same, but if everything goes well the gain can be really interesting. In summary option is a lever only positive is if CIOA action gains salt purchased by the value, which is the difference between the appreciation of the title and the cost of your option, if l ' action loses its value, however, you lose only the cost of the option. In fact it might seem a good trick, good results in positive and negative at low risk. However I must say that if you lose, you lose 100% of the value that you had invested, then this tool is not absolutely free from risk.
By Max BivoShop Finance and books, manuals and ebooks


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